
Teste multifuncional inovador para suas colónias

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Teste multifuncional inovador para suas colónias

O Varroa Tester foi desenvolvido de acordo com as recomendações da Autoridade Europeia para a Segurança Alimentar.

Para manter as colónias saudáveis, é necessário ser capaz de avaliar corretamente a situação de stress na colmeia. Isso requer diagnósticos repetidos por parte do apicultor. Dependendo da hora, os seguintes métodos diferentes são úteis.

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Fácil de usar​

​Teste rápido

Amigo das abelhas​


Varroa management is essential for successful beekeeping.Our VarroaTester helps you to check the Varroa infestation on the adult bees (phoretic mites). We recommend the sugar shake-test as it is bee-friendly and fallen mites are easy to see in the white powdered sugar.

Sugar Shake-Test

  • For the test, collect approx. 300 bees from the brood nest with one cup of the VarroaTester - the cup should be filledup to the edge with bees.
  • Add 1-2 tablespoons of powdered sugar into the other cup and close the VarroaTester.
  • Shake for 1-2 minutes.
  • Open the second cup and empty the sugar onto a white sheet of paper and count the mites.
  • Open the first cup and carefully shake the bees backinto the hive.


  • See step 1 Sugar Shake-Test.
  • 2. Feche o recipiente.
  • Fill the container with CO2 until the bees are paralysedand shake it for 1-2 minutes.
  • Open the second container and count the fallen mites.
  • See step 5 Sugar Shake-Test.


In addition, you can do the Alcohol Wash-Test and test the hygienic behavior of the bees